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your one-stop certification solution!

MPR Overview

MPR International

MPR International advises you on all aspects of your product certification for Asia.

International customer demands and market requirements continuously change and always generate new opportunities to trade between countries.

Our customers are vehicle manufacturers and manufacturing companies from the automotive, electronics, mechanical engineering, petrochemical, household goods, toy and food sectors. We fully understand the certification requirements, testing needs and factory audit process.

Our responsive international team of experts will answer your enquiry for the market approval for Asia within 24 hours!

MPR China Certification

World Trade with China

With its 1.4 billion inhabitants, China is one of the most important sales markets worldwide. However, access to this market can present challenges due to the strict certification regulations.

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MPR Korea Certification

Export to South Korea Strictly Monitored

Market entry in the Republic of Korea represents a great opportunity for international companies due to the large market potential. However, the associated complicated regulations and strict monitoring measures can make market access difficult.

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MPR India Certification

Thriving Sales Market in India

India’s enormous domestic market comprises almost 1.4 billion people and has developed into one of the most promising sales regions for manufacturers in recent years. The economic policy of protectionism typical of India manifests itself in strict certification requirements.

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MPR Videos

Company Introduction

CCC Certification for China easily explained

BIS Certification for India easily explained

KC Certification for Korea easily explained